Search code examples

I want to read a file and also check a word whether the word is present in the file or not. If the word is present one of my method will return +1

This is my code. I want to read a file called "write.txt" and then once it reads. Compare it with a word, here I use "target variable(of string type) once the comparison is done inside the method called findTarget it will return 1 after the condition is true. I try to call the method but I keep getting an error. error: cannot find symbol String testing = findTarget(target1, source1); ^ symbol: variable target1 location: class test 1 error can someone correct my mistake. I am quite new to programming.

import java.util.*;

public class test {

public static int findTarget( String target, String source ) 

int target_len = target.length();
int source_len = source.length();

int add = 0;

for(int i = 0;i < source_len; ++i) // i is an varialbe used to count upto 
int j = 0; // take another variable to count loops        
    while(add == 0)
        if( j >= target_len ) // count upto target length
        else if( target.charAt( j ) != source.charAt( i + j ) ) 
            if( j == target_len ) 
            add++; // this will return 1: true

return add;
public static void main ( String ... args ) 
//String target = "for";
// function 1    
// read the file
File file = new File("write.txt"); //establising a file object
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file));   
//reading the files from the file object "file"

String target1; 
while ((target1 = br.readLine()) != null) //as long the condition is not null it will keep printing.

catch (IOException e)
     System.out.println("file error!"); 

String source1 = "Searching for a string within a string the hard way.";

// function 2

test ob = new test();

String testing = findTarget(target1, source1);

// end    
//System.out.println(findTarget(target, source));
System.out.println("the answer is: "+testing);




  • The error is because findTarget is a class function.

    So, where you have this:

    test ob = new test();
    String testing = findTarget(target1, source1);

    ...should be changed to call the function from a static context:

    //test ob = new test();  not needed, the function is static
    int testing = test.findTarget(target1, source1);
    // also changed the testing type from String to int, as int IS findTarget's return type.

    I don't have your file contents to give a trial run, but that should at least help get past the error.

    ===== UPDATE:

    You are close!

    Inside main, change the code at your loop so that it looks like this:

    String target1;
    int testing = 0;  // move and initialize testing here
    while ((target1 = br.readLine()) != null) //as long the condition is not null it will keep printing.
        testing += test.findTarget(target1, source1);
        //target1 = br.readLine();
    System.out.println("answer is: "+testing);