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AntiXss library not working well

I am using AntiXssLibrary 4.0 but it not escaping \x3c. What is my mistake?

I have configure the AntiXss to be a default HttpEncoder based on here and set the encoderType of httpRuntime in web.config.

I also create AntiXSSEncoder derived from HttpEncoder but instead of deprecated


I use this to override the HtmlEncode method:


Currently if I browse this:


The alert "haaha" shows the AntiXss library is not working. I just want to make like this show see on the minute 13.

To be confirm I also set this in an action:

    public ActionResult Index(string k)
        ViewBag.k = k;
        ViewBag.j = Microsoft.Security.Application.Encoder.HtmlEncode(k);
        return View();

Then in the view I put this:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var a = '@ViewBag.k';
        var b = '@ViewBag.j';

From the browser, the value a and b is the same which is shows the AntiXss does not working well!

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function () {
        var a = 'sss\x3cscript\x3ealert(\x27haaha\x27);\x3c/script\x3e';
        var b = 'sss\x3cscript\x3ealert(\x27haaha\x27);\x3c/script\x3e';

Update: It only happened when I use the AntiXssEncoder as encoder type. When I comment this and rebuild. the single quote ' escaped by the MVC. Seems the AntiXss disabled! am I missing something? I want this working because I want like \x3c also escaped like the video.

<!--<httpRuntime encoderType="AntiXSSEncoder, MVCWeb"/>-->


  • You're right in that, since 4.0 .NET has encoded apostrophes in HTMLEncode, and AntiXSS does not, because, strictly speaking it's not necessary for HTML strings, only for attribute strings.

    Now once you swap AntiXSS in as the encoder that assumption no longer applies, and people do, willy-nilly, apply Html encoding everywhere.

    So when I push the next version of AntiXSS it will encode apostrophes all the time.