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Laravel - Controller - Dynamic Menu - All Pages

I'm making a website where the menu is manageable by the administrator, my question is how to mount that select to display on all pages.

At first I was doing the query of the menus in all actions of the controller, but I would like to optimize this, just do not know how.

My Controller.


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Categorias;

use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class FrontendController extends Controller {

    public $template = 'default';

    // Retorna Navegação
    public function retornaNavegacao(){

        $sql = Categorias::where([
                ['exibir', '=', 1], ['publicado', '=', 1]

        return $sql;

    // Página 'Categorias'
    public function categoria(){

        return view('frontend.'.$this->template.'.categorias.index', 
                'mainMenu' => $this->retornaNavegacao(),


    // Página 'Produtos'
    public function produto(){

        return view('frontend.'.$this->template.'.produtos.index', 
                'mainMenu' => $this->retornaNavegacao(),


    // Página 'Contato'
    public function contato(){

        return view('frontend.'.$this->template.'.contato.index', 
                'mainMenu' => $this->retornaNavegacao(),



The function retornaNavegacao() only queries the database and returns all registered menus (There is a relationship to search for all subcategories).

However I have to repeat the menu code in all the actions of the controller, I think it might have a smarter way of not having to repeat this code in all actions.


  • In AppServiceProvider class edit boot method

    public function boot()
        $categories = Categorias::where([
                ['exibir', '=', 1],
                ['publicado', '=', 1]
        View::composer('*', function ($view) use ($categories) {
            $view->with(['mainMenu' => $categories]);

    Also you can use all power of laravel

    public function boot()
        $mainMenu = Categorias::whereWxibir(1)
        View::composer('*', function ($view) use ($mainMenu) {