I've like to find any function for calculated number of points outside confidence interval (CI 95%) in qqp (Quantile-Comparison Plot) plot.
In my example:
Simulated 60 Poisson values
Fitting Binomial negative dstribution
nbinom <- fitdistr(Resp, "Negative Binomial")
Plot using qqp
qqp(Resp, "nbinom", size = nbinom$estimate[[1]], mu = nbinom$estimate[[2]])
Now I would like to use any function for create a vector with the numbers of points outside confidence interval (CI) in qqp (Quantile-Comparison Plot) plot. This is possible? Thanks
qqp() doesn't count the number of points outside the confidence envelope but it computes the information that's needed to get this count. You can simply modify the code (car:::qqPlot.default
) if you change:
outerpoints <- sum(ord.x > upper | ord.x < lower)
if (length(outerpoints) > -1)
else invisible(NULL)
the output show the number of points outside the confidence envelope.