I'm currently starting to learn Python on Windows 10 and to do so I've installed Geany 1.34.1 and Python 3.7.2 (with the PATH option) as instructed in my book.
I then created a new file and tried to save it in some folder on my C: disk where both softwares are.
Unfortunately, I get the following error
The translaton (original partly in french):
"Error in saving the file. Failure to open the file "C:\Users\XXX\Documents\python_work\test.py" for writing: fopen() has failed: No such file or directory. The file on the disk may be truncated"
I've tried with the Python IDLE as well and get the same problem where I can't save my file.
I've read that it could be due to the fact that in WIN we use \ and in Unix / but I really don't know why Geany can't do alone the translation.
After few hours of hit and miss, does anyone could explain the reason of this behaviour ?
Edit1: Transcription and translation of the error
Found the problem.
Make sure that the following is deactivated:
Windows Defender > Virus & Threat protection > Virus & Threat protection settings option > Controlled folder access > Disabled