My struts2 application works fine, I just keep getting these warnings for properties I may or may not need. Any advice on how to get rid of the warnings?
10:17:17,184 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [org.apache.catalina.jsp_file]
10:17:17,278 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [templateDir]
10:17:17,294 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [theme]
10:17:17,387 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [.freemarker.Request]
10:17:17,387 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [.freemarker.RequestParameters]
10:17:17,637 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [select.tin]
10:17:17,762 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [text]
10:17:17,778 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [select.year]
10:17:17,778 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [year]
10:17:17,981 WARN OgnlValueStack:45 - Could not find property [struts.actionMapping]
Solution : See the Missing Properties section in Troubleshooting guide migrating from Struts 2.0.x to 2.1.x