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Unset firebase cloud functions environment variable no updating

I am trying to update my environment config in firebase but somehow seem to be missing something, as the values are not updated.

I have unset the key like so:

firebase functions:config:unset admin_chat_id

I have then deploy this unset like so:

firebase deploy --only functions

Only to check the my config with

firebase functions:config:get

and receiving the same set of keys. I did wait 30 seconds, I waited 5 minutes. I have also checked that I am logged in with firebase. As I don't receive an error message and I don't know where to check the config file in the firebase online console, I am a bit lost.

Could anyone assist?

This issues around firebase unset is not relevant as it is syntax related


  • I had missed the fact that admin_chat_id was nested under service. Thus unsetting "admin_chat_id" resulted in unsetting a non-existing value. The correct solution is to use the full path: "service.admin_chat_id".