I would like to create create criteria for the following native sql.
Unfortunately, I hit error of duplicate associate path when use createCriteria twice. When I try to use Restrictions.sqlRestriction. It unable provide the SQL that I want.
Try 1: Create Criteria - duplicate associate path
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria( Company.class );
criteria.createAlias( "customerCategories", "c1" );
criteria.add( Restrictions.in( "c1.customerCategory.customerCategoryId",
company.getBaseCustomerCategoryId() ) );
criteria.createAlias( "customerCategories", "c2" );
criteria.add( Restrictions.in( "c2.customerCategory.customerCategoryId",
company.getPromoCustomerCategoryId() ) );
Try 2: Create SQL Restriction - ORA-00920: invalid relational operator because of "where"
Criteria criteria = getSession().createCriteria( Company.class );
criteria.add( Restrictions.sqlRestriction(
"INNER JOIN Company_Customercategory a on {alias}.companyId = a.companyId and a.CUSTOMERCATEGORYID = ?",
company.getBaseCustomerCategoryId(), LongType.INSTANCE ) );
criteria.add( Restrictions.sqlRestriction(
"1=1 INNER JOIN Company_Customercategory b on {alias}.companyId = b.companyId
company.getPromoCustomerCategoryId(), LongType.INSTANCE) );
Wrong Result
select this_.* from Companies this_ where
INNER JOIN Company_Customercategory a
on this_.companyId = a.companyId
and 1=1 INNER JOIN Company_Customercategory b
on this_.companyId = b.companyId
Expected SQL
select * from companies c
inner join Company_Customercategory a
on c.companyId = a.companyId
inner JOIN Company_Customercategory b
on a.companyId = b.companyId
Appreciate your help. Thanks.
There is an old Hibernate bug HHH-879 on the problem of org.hibernate.QueryException: duplicate association path
opened 2005 and still open...
Other issue is closed without solution HHH-7882
So the option 1) is rather not suitable.
But in the comments of the above bug an usefull workaround is mentioned using exists
So use twice sqlRestriction
with exists
and a correlated subquery filtering the propper category. You will get only companies connected to both categories.
crit.add( Restrictions.sqlRestriction(
"exists (select null from Company_Customercategory a where {alias}.company_Id = a.company_Id and a.CUSTOMERCATEGORYID = ?)",
1, IntegerType.INSTANCE ) );
crit.add( Restrictions.sqlRestriction(
"exists (select null from Company_Customercategory a where {alias}.company_Id = a.company_Id and a.CUSTOMERCATEGORYID = ?)",
6, IntegerType.INSTANCE ) );
This leads to the following query which provides the correct result
select this_.COMPANY_ID as COMPANY_ID1_2_0_, this_.COMPANY_NAME as COMPANY_NAME2_2_0_
from COMPANIES this_
where exists (select null from Company_Customercategory a
where this_.company_Id = a.company_Id and a.CUSTOMERCATEGORYID = ?) and
exists (select null from Company_Customercategory a
where this_.company_Id = a.company_Id and a.CUSTOMERCATEGORYID = ?)