Search code examples

Worldpay PayPal Error : BAD_REQUEST, Required URL not specified and no default defined

WorldPay Paypal API respond with 400 error I am following the code provided in here same code functionality is working for card payments attaching reference screenshot from postman Post URL and body part

Header Content


  • As it's Paypal payment, you need to specify return urls for handing the payment,... such as successUrl, pendingUrl,... like the following: You can find more details here:

        "token" : "YOUR-TOKEN", 
        "orderType" : "ECOM",
        "amount" : 500,
        "currencyCode" : "GBP",
        "orderDescription" : "Order description",
        "customerOrderCode":"Order code",
        "name" : "John Smith",
        "billingAddress" : {
            "address1" : "address1",
            "postalCode" : "postCode",
            "city" : "city",
            "countryCode" : "GB"
        "deliveryAddress": {
            "firstName": "John",
            "lastName": "Smith",
            "address1": "address1",
            "postalCode": "postCode",
            "city": "city",
            "countryCode": "GB",
            "telephoneNumber": "02079460761"
        "successUrl": "",
        "pendingUrl": "",
        "failureUrl": "",
        "cancelUrl": "",
        "shopperEmailAddress": "[email protected]",