WorldPay Paypal API respond with 400 error I am following the code provided in here same code functionality is working for card payments attaching reference screenshot from postman
As it's Paypal payment, you need to specify return urls for handing the payment,... such as successUrl, pendingUrl,... like the following: You can find more details here:
"token" : "YOUR-TOKEN",
"orderType" : "ECOM",
"amount" : 500,
"currencyCode" : "GBP",
"orderDescription" : "Order description",
"customerOrderCode":"Order code",
"name" : "John Smith",
"billingAddress" : {
"address1" : "address1",
"postalCode" : "postCode",
"city" : "city",
"countryCode" : "GB"
"deliveryAddress": {
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Smith",
"address1": "address1",
"postalCode": "postCode",
"city": "city",
"countryCode": "GB",
"telephoneNumber": "02079460761"
"successUrl": "",
"pendingUrl": "",
"failureUrl": "",
"cancelUrl": "",
"shopperEmailAddress": "[email protected]",