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Xamarin Forms MasterDetailPage dynamically change master

I am using the default MasterDetailPage navigation in my Xamarin app, where master is the side navigation and the detail are the contentpages the user can navigate to.

I already added the code to the MenuPage:

public MenuPage()

            if (ProfilPage.loggedin)
                ucet_stack.IsVisible = true;
                ucet.IsVisible = true;
                ucet.Text = "Váš účet " + ProfilPage.meno;
                ucet_stack.IsVisible = false;
                ucet.IsVisible = false;

I want to change the content of the MenuPage after the user logs in. Constructor is only called the first time so it never changes. I tried to put the same code in onAppearing but didnt work either. So what could I use to dynamically change the menu after the user logs in? Note I am pretty new to this.


I created a second MasterDetailPage with new MenuPage and tried to change it in a contentpage which is detail, but it went blank

            Application.Current.MainPage = new MainLoggedPage();


  • first, get a reference to your current MenuPage

    var md = (MasterDetailPage)Application.Current.MainPage;
    var menu = (MenuPage)md.Master;

    then, call whatever public method you've created to update it
