I'm trying to push a notification whenever battery status is below 5% but I want it once only. With below code it's keep on repeating unless battery level gets out of condition.
else if((level<=5)&(level>0)){
Notification notificationobject=new NotificationCompat.Builder(MainActivity.this,Notifications.CHANNEL_1_ID)
.setContentTitle("Battery Warning")
.setContentText("Your battery is low, please plugin the charger.")
You can use a variable to check if you have called this method already or not :
boolean isCalled = false;
else if((level<=5)&(level>0)){
//if you did not called your method once
if(isCalled == false){
//make sure that this will only get called once
isCalled = true;
Notification notificationobject=new NotificationCompat.Builder(MainActivity.this,Notifications.CHANNEL_1_ID)
.setContentTitle("Battery Warning")
.setContentText("Your battery is low, please plugin the charger.")