I have a simple jekyll site whcih I am developing from a jekyll template. I'm working on making it editable in netlifycms.
I've moved collections into custom directory customcollections, have specified this in _config.yml and have moved _posts directory in there. This works fine.
I have then included a component from includes/components to pull in and iterate through a custom collection _navtiles.
For some reason when I try to iterate through navtiles thus:
<div class="features">
{% for navtile in site.navtiles %}
<section class="post">
<span class="image"><img src="{{ site.baseurl }}{{ navtile.image }}" alt="" /></span>
<div class="content">
<h3>{{ navtile.title }}</h3>
<p>{{ navtile.body | remove: "<p>" | remove: "</p>" }}</p>
{% if navtile.url %}
<ul class="actions">
<li><a href="{{ navtile.url }}" class="button">More</a></li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
it doesn't pull in the navtile collection object that is present in customcollections/_navtiles/
But if I change site.navtiles to be site.posts then it pulls in all the blog posts quite happily.
Can anyone advise what I am doing wrong? Site is here: index.html - https://github.com/tofuwarrior/sites-clearspringacupuncture/blob/master/index.html
_config.yml - https://github.com/tofuwarrior/sites-clearspringacupuncture/blob/master/_config.yml
_includes/components/navtiles.html - https://github.com/tofuwarrior/sites-clearspringacupuncture/blob/master/_includes/components/navtiles.html
the component is pulled into index.html happily.
site preview is here: http://dev.clearspringacupuncture.co.uk/
I'm stumped because it works fine with _posts I feel I must be missing some understanding of jekyll collections as I am new to jekyll. Can anyone point me in the right direction Thanks. jekyll
You simply need to configure Jekyll for your custom collection.
In _config.yml :
See documentation.