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How to see stories on a Kanban board before they are in a sprint in Jira?

I moved from DevOps to Jira, and I'm surprised that all stories and tasks and everything are just tangled in the backlog outside my sprint. I want to use a Kanban to sort my stories into the following categories:

  • Ideas
  • Validated
  • Ready to be done
  • Being done in an actual sprint
  • Done

And then, I would like to have another Kanban board for the sprint where I only see the things "being done in the actual sprint," and I move them to like to do-in progress-done

Is there a way to have a Kanban board in JIRA for stories that are NOT in my sprint yet?


  • Yes, easy answer is to create 2 projects, one Kanban Software Development, the other as Scrum Software Development. Move tasks that are in progress to the Scrum Software Development project. Leave the ideas in the Kanban Software Development Project. You can also customize the issue types in the Jira settings if you want to use 1 project, or add a Kanban board to a Scrum Project to create a hybrid. You can apply filters to the Kanban board to only show certain workflow options.