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Python number line cluster exercise

I am working through an exercise in my textbook (Ex 4.7) and am implementing the code in Python to practice dynamic programming. I am having some trouble actually executing Algorithm 4.8. I understand what is going on until I get to 'Otherwise range s from 1 to t-1 and set s to minimize f(s). Why is the book using s in the for loop as well as setting it to the function f(s)? How should one go about implementing that line in Python?

[current code at bottom]

enter image description here

enter image description here

enter image description here

My current code is this so far:

x = [1,2,5,6,10]
k = 3
n = 5

r = [[0 for x in range(k)] for x in range(n)]
c = [[0 for x in range(k)] for x in range(n)]

def Union(lst1, lst2):
    final_list = lst1 + lst2
    return final_list

for j in range(k):
    for t in range(n):
        if j == 0:
            r[t][j] = (x[t]-x[0])/2
            c[t][j] = [(x[t]+x[0])/2]
            for s in range(t-1):
                f = max(r[s][j-1], (x[t]-x[s+1])/2)
                #set s to minimize f??
                r[t][j] = f
                w = []
                if c[s][j-1] == 0:
                    c[t][j] = w
                    c[t][j] = Union(c[s][j - 1], w)


Any help is much appreciated!


  • The algorithm is very good. My code is as follow.

    x = [1,2,5,6,10]
    k = 3
    n = 5
    r = [[[] for _ in range(k)] for _ in range(n)]
    c = [[[] for _ in range(k)] for _ in range(n)]
    def f(s, j_down, t):
        return max(r[s][j_down], (x[t]-x[s+1])/2.)
    def get_min_f_and_s(j_down, t):
        """ range s from 1 to t-1 and set s to minimize f(s) 
        for example t=5 and j=3, so s range from 1 to 4, if f(1)=0.5, f(2)=0.4, f(3)=0.1, f(4)= 1.0, so f(4) is min one and s=2.
        And r[5][j] = f(2).
        items = [(s, f(s, j_down, t))for s in range(t)]
        s, min_f = min(items, key=lambda x:x[1])
        return s, min_f
    for j in range(k):
        if j == 0:
            for t in range(n):
                for t in range(n):
                    r[t][j] = (x[t]-x[0])/2.0
                    c[t][j] = [(x[t]+x[0])/2.0]
            for t in range(1, n):
                s, min_f = get_min_f_and_s(j-1, t)
                r[t][j] = min_f
                c[t][j] = c[s][j-1] + [(x[t]+x[s+1])/2.,]

    A advice : When don't understand algorithm, you can run it by hand in scratch paper, maybe you will figure out how it work.