I am calling Gmail APIs to get the title of emails. Some of the titles contain non alphanumeric characters such as emojis, "'" sign, and so one (example: '\u201cEthnographic'). At the same time I need to preserve the punctuations at the end of the words: for example Hello! needs to be preserved. I've seen many code samples on how to get rid of non-alphanumeric but haven't been able to accomplish what I'm trying to do. Any feedback is appreciated.
# Call the api and get the emails
M = json.dumps(message)
temp = message['messages'][0]['payload']
num_found = 0
# get the subject of the emails
for header in temp['headers']:
# print(header['name'])
if header['name'] == 'Subject':
subject = header['value']
# S contains patterns like "\u201cEthnographic ..."
# or "u2b50\ufe0f best of .."
S = json.dumps(subject)
Have you looked at the emoji python package?
ref: emoji package documentation
import emoji
def emoji_free(input):
allchars = [str for str in input]
emoji_list = [c for c in allchars if c in emoji.UNICODE_EMOJI]
clean_text = ' '.join([str for str in input.split() if not any(i in str for i in emoji_list)])
return clean_text
emoji_message = 'This is an emoji 🙃 and the code is designed to remove 😎 emojis from a string.'
# remove the emojis from the message
clean_message = emoji_free(emoji_message)
print (clean_message)
# output
# This is an emoji and the code is designed to remove emojis from a string.
emoji_message = 'You are a bright \u2b50 with a smiling face \u263A'
print (emoji_message)
# output
# You are a bright ⭐ with a smiling face ☺
clean_message = emoji_free(emoji_message)
print (clean_message)
# output
# You are a bright with a smiling face
Here is another way to remove the unicode string related to an emoji.
import re
emoji_pattern = re.compile("["
u"\U0001F600-\U0001F64F" # emoticons
u"\U0001F300-\U0001F5FF" # symbols & pictographs
u"\U0001F680-\U0001F6FF" # transport & map symbols
u"\U0001F1E0-\U0001F1FF" # flags (iOS)
"]+", flags=re.UNICODE)
# message with star emoji in unicode
emoji_message = 'You are a bright \u2b50'
# print message with star emoji
# output
# You are a bright ⭐
# print message without star emoji
print(emoji_pattern.sub(r'', emoji_message))
# output
# You are a bright