I want to calculate the formula of a cell and retrieve the calculated value. But it gives #NAME?
as the cell value when cell.Calculate()
is executed.
var package = new ExcelPackage();
var ws = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Test");
ExcelRange cellTest = ws.Cells[1, 1];
cellTest.Formula = "TRIM( Hello World )";
var cellCalculatedValue = cellTest.Value;
Here the cellTest.Value = #NAME?
Remember the Epplus doesnt actually have access to the excel engine, it just generates raw XML files that excel interprets when the file is first opened.
So for Formula
, the documentation does say you can use Calculate()
to get a value like you could in Excel. But what it doesnt tell you is that it does not support all excel built in functions. And understand that the functions in Epplus/C# are NOT the exact same as what will be ran in Excel. They are simply Epplus's interpretation/copies of what excel has.
If you look at https://github.com/JanKallman/EPPlus/blob/master/EPPlus/FormulaParsing/Excel/Functions/BuiltInFunctions.cs:
namespace OfficeOpenXml.FormulaParsing.Excel.Functions
public class BuiltInFunctions : FunctionsModule
public BuiltInFunctions()
// Text
Functions["len"] = new Len();
Functions["lower"] = new Lower();
Functions["upper"] = new Upper();
Functions["left"] = new Left();
Functions["right"] = new Right();
Functions["mid"] = new Mid();
Functions["replace"] = new Replace();
Functions["rept"] = new Rept();
Functions["substitute"] = new Substitute();
Functions["concatenate"] = new Concatenate();
Functions["char"] = new CharFunction();
Functions["exact"] = new Exact();
Functions["find"] = new Find();
Functions["fixed"] = new Fixed();
Functions["proper"] = new Proper();
Functions["search"] = new Search();
Functions["text"] = new Text.Text();
Functions["t"] = new T();
Functions["hyperlink"] = new Hyperlink();
Functions["value"] = new Value();
// Numbers
Functions["int"] = new CInt();
// Math
Functions["abs"] = new Abs();
Functions["asin"] = new Asin();
Functions["asinh"] = new Asinh();
Functions["cos"] = new Cos();
Functions["cosh"] = new Cosh();
Functions["power"] = new Power();
Functions["sign"] = new Sign();
Functions["sqrt"] = new Sqrt();
Functions["sqrtpi"] = new SqrtPi();
Functions["pi"] = new Pi();
Functions["product"] = new Product();
Functions["ceiling"] = new Ceiling();
Functions["count"] = new Count();
Functions["counta"] = new CountA();
Functions["countblank"] = new CountBlank();
Functions["countif"] = new CountIf();
Functions["countifs"] = new CountIfs();
Functions["fact"] = new Fact();
Functions["floor"] = new Floor();
Functions["sin"] = new Sin();
Functions["sinh"] = new Sinh();
Functions["sum"] = new Sum();
Functions["sumif"] = new SumIf();
Functions["sumifs"] = new SumIfs();
Functions["sumproduct"] = new SumProduct();
Functions["sumsq"] = new Sumsq();
Functions["stdev"] = new Stdev();
Functions["stdevp"] = new StdevP();
Functions["stdev.s"] = new Stdev();
Functions["stdev.p"] = new StdevP();
Functions["subtotal"] = new Subtotal();
Functions["exp"] = new Exp();
Functions["log"] = new Log();
Functions["log10"] = new Log10();
Functions["ln"] = new Ln();
Functions["max"] = new Max();
Functions["maxa"] = new Maxa();
Functions["median"] = new Median();
Functions["min"] = new Min();
Functions["mina"] = new Mina();
Functions["mod"] = new Mod();
Functions["average"] = new Average();
Functions["averagea"] = new AverageA();
Functions["averageif"] = new AverageIf();
Functions["averageifs"] = new AverageIfs();
Functions["round"] = new Round();
Functions["rounddown"] = new Rounddown();
Functions["roundup"] = new Roundup();
Functions["rand"] = new Rand();
Functions["randbetween"] = new RandBetween();
Functions["rank"] = new Rank();
Functions["rank.eq"] = new Rank();
Functions["rank.avg"] = new Rank(true);
Functions["quotient"] = new Quotient();
Functions["trunc"] = new Trunc();
Functions["tan"] = new Tan();
Functions["tanh"] = new Tanh();
Functions["atan"] = new Atan();
Functions["atan2"] = new Atan2();
Functions["atanh"] = new Atanh();
Functions["acos"] = new Acos();
Functions["acosh"] = new Acosh();
Functions["var"] = new Var();
Functions["varp"] = new VarP();
Functions["large"] = new Large();
Functions["small"] = new Small();
Functions["degrees"] = new Degrees();
// Information
Functions["isblank"] = new IsBlank();
Functions["isnumber"] = new IsNumber();
Functions["istext"] = new IsText();
Functions["isnontext"] = new IsNonText();
Functions["iserror"] = new IsError();
Functions["iserr"] = new IsErr();
Functions["error.type"] = new ErrorType();
Functions["iseven"] = new IsEven();
Functions["isodd"] = new IsOdd();
Functions["islogical"] = new IsLogical();
Functions["isna"] = new IsNa();
Functions["na"] = new Na();
Functions["n"] = new N();
// Logical
Functions["if"] = new If();
Functions["iferror"] = new IfError();
Functions["ifna"] = new IfNa();
Functions["not"] = new Not();
Functions["and"] = new And();
Functions["or"] = new Or();
Functions["true"] = new True();
Functions["false"] = new False();
// Reference and lookup
Functions["address"] = new Address();
Functions["hlookup"] = new HLookup();
Functions["vlookup"] = new VLookup();
Functions["lookup"] = new Lookup();
Functions["match"] = new Match();
Functions["row"] = new Row();
Functions["rows"] = new Rows();
Functions["column"] = new Column();
Functions["columns"] = new Columns();
Functions["choose"] = new Choose();
Functions["index"] = new Index();
Functions["indirect"] = new Indirect();
Functions["offset"] = new Offset();
// Date
Functions["date"] = new Date();
Functions["today"] = new Today();
Functions["now"] = new Now();
Functions["day"] = new Day();
Functions["month"] = new Month();
Functions["year"] = new Year();
Functions["time"] = new Time();
Functions["hour"] = new Hour();
Functions["minute"] = new Minute();
Functions["second"] = new Second();
Functions["weeknum"] = new Weeknum();
Functions["weekday"] = new Weekday();
Functions["days360"] = new Days360();
Functions["yearfrac"] = new Yearfrac();
Functions["edate"] = new Edate();
Functions["eomonth"] = new Eomonth();
Functions["isoweeknum"] = new IsoWeekNum();
Functions["workday"] = new Workday();
Functions["networkdays"] = new Networkdays();
Functions["networkdays.intl"] = new NetworkdaysIntl();
Functions["datevalue"] = new DateValue();
Functions["timevalue"] = new TimeValue();
// Database
Functions["dget"] = new Dget();
Functions["dcount"] = new Dcount();
Functions["dcounta"] = new DcountA();
Functions["dmax"] = new Dmax();
Functions["dmin"] = new Dmin();
Functions["dsum"] = new Dsum();
Functions["daverage"] = new Daverage();
Functions["dvar"] = new Dvar();
Functions["dvarp"] = new Dvarp();
Functions["pmt"] = new Pmt();
You will see that Trim
is not in there, unfortunately. You could, in theory, add it yourself like this:
public void Test1()
using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
package.Workbook.FormulaParserManager.LoadFunctionModule(new MyFunctionModule());
var ws = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Test");
var cellTest = ws.Cells[1, 1];
cellTest.Formula = "TRIM(\"Hello World\")";
var cellCalculatedValue = cellTest.Value; //Will now show a proper value
public class TrimFunction : ExcelFunction
public override CompileResult Execute(IEnumerable<FunctionArgument> arguments, ParsingContext context)
ValidateArguments(arguments, 1);
var result = arguments.ElementAt(0).Value.ToString().Trim();
return CreateResult(result, DataType.String);
public class MyFunctionModule : FunctionsModule
public MyFunctionModule()
Functions.Add("trim", new TrimFunction());
But, again, it has nothing to do with the actual function in excel - they are completely separate. The TRIM
function above will only existing in the C# world. When excel opens the file, it will apply its own TRIM