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Select which rows are written during SSIS error logging tasks

If I try to insert two non-distinct rows using SSIS into a table with a primary key how can I determine which row is written to the table and which one is handled by the error logging task?

For example, I have a destination table with two columns and a primary key constraint and I'm trying to insert two rows from the source table that have the same values but no primary key constraint.


If I have two rows that have the same primary key, trying to insert both would crash the SSIS package but if I add error logging to record the duplicate row I have a 1/2 chance of logging the incorrect record

| KeyColumn  |   TextColumn  |
|     1      | 'ValidRecord' |
|     1      |'InvalidRecord'|
|     2      | 'ValidRecord' |

Provided I can consistently determine the valid record (eg: TextColumn should never contain the text 'Invalid' ) how can I create a SSIS task to always write the correct record to my SSIS table and send the incorrect record to the logging task?


  • You can achieve this using 2 approaches:

    (1) Using a Script Component

    If you need to check the duplicates based on the KeyColumn (first occurence is valid others are invalid), you can use a script component to achieve that.

    1. First, Add 1 output column of type DT_BOOL (Example Name: Flag)
    2. Inside the Script use a similar script:

      using System.Collections.Generic;
      public class ScriptMain:  
          List<string> lstKey = new List<string>;
          public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(InputBuffer0 Row)  
                  Row.Flag = true;
                  Row.Flag = false;
    3. Add a conditional split to split rows based on Flag column value, using a similar expression:

      [Flag] == True
    4. Map the True path to the destination table and the False path to the error logging destination

    (2) Using a conditional split

    If you can check if the orw is valid based on the text column, then you can add a conditional split with the following expression:

    FINDSTRING([TextColumn],'InvalidRecord',1) == True