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Is it possible to access File Provider of another iOS app

I'm developing an app that needs to interact with other apps (that are developed by other persons). In order to do that, I wanted to use their File Provider to read and write from that.

I know the group they're using, but I don't know the URL of the File Provider. I need a way to copy some files programmatically.

What I'm trying to do

I tried:

let provider = FileManager.default.containerURL(forSecurityApplicationGroupIdentifier: "")

But it just doesn't work because I don't have the App Group in my App Id.


  • The iOS apps are sandboxed partly to specifically prevent this kind of thing from happening. Typically we use inter application URLs to communicate between apps. On a standard (non-jailbroken) device I don't believe there's way to read another application's files when you didn't develop that other app and can't control the app group