I wrote a program that finds and counts initial consonant clusters in German and Spanish texts. I want a regex that will find clusters on final positions. Using \b or $ does not work. Can someone help me determine how I should change my regex so that it will work for final consonants clusters?
I currently have sth like this for initial clusters:
for w in words:
initial = re.search('^([^aeiouy]*)[aeiouy]',w)
Or sth like this:
initial = re.search('^[^aeiouy]{2,}',w)
You seem to want to extract chunks of 2 or more consonant letters at the end of the string.
You may use
See the regex demo.
- start of a non-capturing group:
- a negative lookahead that fails the match if the next char is a vowel[a-z]
- an ASCII letter (case insensitive mode can be set with re.I
- end of the group, 2 or more occurrences$
- end of string.