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C++ for TMB but not Rcpp in knitr

I'm writting a document using knitr that includes C++ code. This code is to be used with the R package TMB. I am using a .Rnw document.

My main problem is that I do not know what to specify for the code chunk engine. I have read a few questions about the settings in knitr for non-R language, but my understanding is that only Rcpp is supported in knitr and not simple C++ code. In addition, here I want to compile the C++ code via TMB. In an ideal world, I would like that when I compile the knitr document that .cpp files are created in the working directory, so that TMB can access them afterward. For now however, when I compile the knitr document I get the following warning:

In get_engine(options$engine) : Unknown language engine 'cpp' (must be registered via knit_engines$set()).

Here is a simple example.



<<setup, include=FALSE>>=

<<tmbcpp, eval=FALSE, tidy=FALSE, engine='cpp'>>=
#include <TMB.hpp>

template<class Type>
Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
    PARAMETER(logitGamma); // Autocorrelation

    Type nll = 0.0;

    return nll;


<<compileTMB, cache=TRUE, results="hide">>=
compile("tmbcpp.cpp", flags="-Wno-unused-variable")


Note that here I am not evaluating the C++ code, I thought that would get around problems, but it doesn't appear to be sufficient.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


  • I think I found the perfect solution. Using the Rcpp engine as suggested by Ben Bolker and also use a hook to write the code chunk as discussed here and here.

    <<setup, include=FALSE>>=
    # To write code chunk to the working directory
    knitr::knit_hooks$set(write_chunk = function(before, options, envir) {
        if (before) {
          fileConn <- file(options$label)
          writeLines(options$code, fileConn)
    <<tmbcpp.cpp, write_chunk=TRUE, eval=FALSE, tidy=FALSE, engine='Rcpp'>>=
    #include <TMB.hpp>
    template<class Type>
    Type objective_function<Type>::operator() ()
        PARAMETER(logitGamma); // Autocorrelation
        Type nll = 0.0;
        return nll;
    <<compileTMB, cache=TRUE, results="hide">>=
    compile("tmbcpp.cpp", flags="-Wno-unused-variable")

    This gives no warning or error, as long as you have the highlight package from André Simon installed: Bonus it saves the file in the working directory, which is then accessible to TMB to compile and load.