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objection.js modifyEager .as('count') doesn't seem to do anything to .count()

So I want to get the count of comments in a post rather than all the comments themselves I've got it to work with modifyEager like so but the as('count') seems to be doing nothing in this case

.eager('comments').modifyEager("comments", builder => {

It's really tedious because commentsCount for each post has these values:

[ Post { 'count(*)': 1 } ]

So I have gotten the count doing this but I'm surely doing something wrong

if(commentCount.length > 0)
    return data[0]["count(*)"]
return 0

Any ideas?

EDIT: showing the working code for reference to help people

module.exports = async (organizationId, scope) => {
    return await Post.query()
    .where("organization_id", organizationId)
    .orderBy("post_id", "desc")


  • Couldnt test it, but the example appears at docs this way:

    const posts = await Post