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Python script to run FME workbench

I have more than 500 xml files and each xml file should processed on FME workbench individually (iteration of FME workbench for each xml file). For such a propose i have to run a python file ( to iterate FME workbench for each xml file.

The whole process was working in past on other PC without any problem. Now Once i run Module i got the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):E:\XML_Data File "E:\XML_Data\process\", line 28, in if "Translation was SUCCESSFUL" in open(path_log + "\" + data + ".log").read(): IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'E:\XML_Data\data_out\log_01\re_3385-5275.xml.log'

Attached the python code(

Any help is greatly appreciated.

import os
import time
# Mainpath and Working Folder:
#path_main = r"E:\XML_Data"
path_main = r"E:\XML_Data"
teil = str("01")

# variables
path_in = path_main + r"\data_in\03_Places\teil_" + teil                # "Source folder of  XML files"
path_in_tile10 = path_main + r"\data_in\01_Tiling\10x10.shp"            # "Source folder of Grid shapefile"
path_in_commu = path_main + r"\data_in\02_Communities\Communities.shp"  # "Source folder of Communities shapefile"
path_out = path_main + r"\data_out\teil_" + teil                        # "Output folder of shapefiles that resulted from XML files (tile_01 folder)"
path_log = path_main + r"\data_out\log_" + teil                         # "Output folder of log files for each run(log_01 folder)"
path_fme = r"%FME_EXE_2015%"                                            # "C:\Program Files\FME2015\fme.exe"
path_fme_workbench = path_main + r"\process\PY_FME2015.fmw"             # "path of FME workbench"
datalists = os.listdir(path_in)
count = 0

# loop each file individually in FME
for data in datalists:
    if data.find(".xml") != -1:
        count +=1
        print ("Run-No." + str(count) + ": with data " + data)
        os.system (path_fme + " " + path_fme_workbench + " " + "--SourceDataset_XML"+ " " + path_in + "\\" + data + " " + "--SourceDataset_SHAPE" + " " + path_in_tile10 + " " + "--SourceDataset_SHAPE_COMU" + " " + path_in_commu + " " + "--DestDataset_SHAPE" +" " +path_out + " " +"LOG_FILENAME" + " " + path_log + "\\" + data + ".log" )
        print ("Data processed: " + data)
        shape = str(data[19:28]) + "_POPINT_CENTR_UTM32N.shp"
        print ("ResultsFileName: " + shape)
        if "Translation was SUCCESSFUL" in open(path_log + "\\" + data + ".log").read():
            # Translation was successful and SHP file exists:
            if os.path.isfile(path_out + "\\" + shape):
                write_log = open(path_out + "\\" + "result_xml.log", "a")
                write_log.write(time.asctime(time.localtime()) + " " + shape + "\n")
                print("Everything ok")
            #Translation was successful, but SHP file does not exist:
                write_log = open(path_out + "\\" + "error_xml.log", "a")
                write_log.write(time.asctime(time.localtime()) + " Data: " + shape + " unavailable.\n")
        # Translation was not successful:
            write_log = open(path_out + "\\" + "error_xml.log", "a")
            write_log.write(time.asctime(time.localtime()) + " Translation " + Data + " not successful.\n")
print ("Number of calculated files: " + str(count))


  • Most likely, the script failed at the os.system line, so the log file was not created from the command. Since you mentioned a different computer, it could be caused by many reasons, such as a different version of FME (so the environment variable %FME_EXE_2015% would not exist).