In GeoDMS, I've loaded two networks from a shapefile, primaryNet and masterNet:
unit<uint32> primaryNet:
storageName = 'c:/localData/arnhemNijmegen/warmtenet/primair.dbf'
, dialogData = 'geometry'
, dialogType = 'map'
, storageReadOnly = 'true'
attribute<rdc> geometry(arc):
storageName = 'c:/localData/arnhemNijmegen/warmtenet/primair.shp'
, storageReadOnly = 'true';
unit<uint32> masterNet:
storageName = 'c:/localData/arnhemNijmegen/warmtenet/master.dbf'
, dialogData = 'geometry'
, dialogType = 'map'
, storageReadOnly = 'true'
attribute<rdc> geometry(arc):
storageName = 'c:/localData/arnhemNijmegen/warmtenet/master.shp'
, storageReadOnly = 'true';
I want to connect them into a new domain unit with a new geometry, containing both old geometries. All other attributes can be discarded. Is that possible?
Thanks for helping!
If you mean just unioning both arcsets to one new arcset with the geometries of both primaryNet and masterNet, Use the union_unit function to configure the resulting domain unit and the union_data function to configure the resulting geometry attribute.
If you need connections between the two arcsets, can you indicate how these arcsets need to be connected?