I have the following function
meetingId: string
): Observable<Participation[]> {
return this.meetingCollection
map(actions =>
actions.map(m => {
const participationDto = m.payload.doc.data() as ParticipationDto;
const id = m.payload.doc.id;
return new Participation(id, participationDto.vart, null);
In the participationDto
there is a document reference and I would like to get that document in order to return an object (participation) with a mapping of the referenced document.
Something like
meetingId: string
): Observable<Participation[]> {
return this.meetingCollection
map(actions =>
actions.map(m => {
const participationDto = m.payload.doc.data() as ParticipationDto;
const id = m.payload.doc.id;
return this.participantCollection.doc(participationDto.participant.id).get().pipe(
map(pp => {
return new Participation(id, participationDto.vart, pp.data() as Participant);
But then it returns an Observable<Observable<Participation>[]>
I probably need to merge, map or something like that but I don't find the right way to get my Observable enriched with my object mapping and keep my Observable<Participation[]>
Thanks for help
You could try using forkJoin on the inner list of Observables and switching the outer map to a switchMap.
meetingId: string
): Observable<Participation[]> {
return this.meetingCollection
switchMap(actions =>
forkJoin(actions.map(m => {
const participationDto = m.payload.doc.data() as ParticipationDto;
const id = m.payload.doc.id;
return this.participantCollection.doc(participationDto.participant.id).get().pipe(
map(pp => {
return new Participation(id, participationDto.vart, pp.data() as Participant);