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I have complex Spec for my data - how to generate samples?

My Clojure spec looks like :

(spec/def ::global-id string?)
(spec/def ::part-of string?)
(spec/def ::type string?)
(spec/def ::value string?)
(spec/def ::name string?)
(spec/def ::text string?)
(spec/def ::date (spec/nilable (spec/and string? #(re-matches #"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" %))))
(spec/def ::interaction-name string?)
(spec/def ::center (spec/coll-of string? :kind vector? :count 2))
(spec/def ::context- (spec/keys :req [::global-id ::type]
                                :opt [::part-of ::center]))
(spec/def ::contexts (spec/coll-of ::context-))
(spec/def ::datasource string?)
(spec/def ::datasource- (spec/nilable (spec/keys :req [::global-id ::name])))
(spec/def ::datasources (spec/coll-of ::datasource-))
(spec/def ::location string?)
(spec/def ::location-meaning- (spec/keys :req [::global-id ::location ::contexts ::type]))
(spec/def ::location-meanings (spec/coll-of ::location-meaning-))
(spec/def ::context string?)
(spec/def ::context-association-type string?)
(spec/def ::context-association-name string?)
(spec/def ::priority string?)
(spec/def ::has-context- (spec/keys :req [::context ::context-association-type ::context-association-name ::priority]))
(spec/def ::has-contexts (spec/coll-of ::has-context-))
(spec/def ::fact- (spec/keys :req [::global-id ::type ::name ::value]))
(spec/def ::facts (spec/coll-of ::fact-))
(spec/def ::attribute- (spec/keys :req [::name ::type ::value]))
(spec/def ::attributes (spec/coll-of ::attribute-))
(spec/def ::fulltext (spec/keys :req [::global-id ::text]))
(spec/def ::feature- (spec/keys :req [::global-id ::date ::location-meanings ::has-contexts ::facts ::attributes ::interaction-name]
                                :opt [::fulltext]))
(spec/def ::features (spec/coll-of ::feature-))
(spec/def ::attribute- (spec/keys :req [::name ::type ::value]))
(spec/def ::attributes (spec/coll-of ::attribute-))
(spec/def ::ioi-slice string?)
(spec/def ::ioi- (spec/keys :req [::global-id ::type ::datasource ::features ::attributes ::ioi-slice]))
(spec/def ::iois (spec/coll-of ::ioi-))
(spec/def ::data (spec/keys :req [::contexts ::datasources ::iois]))
(spec/def ::data- ::data)

But it fails to generate samples with:

(spec/fdef data->graph
  :args (spec/cat :data ::xml-spec/data-))

(println (stest/check `data->graph))

then it will fail to generate with an exception: Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries.

It is very convenient to generate spec automatically with stest/check but how to beside spec also have generators?


  • When you see the error Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries. when generating data from specs, a common cause is an s/and spec because spec builds generators for s/and specs based solely on the first inner spec.

    This spec seemed most likely to cause this, because the first inner spec/predicate in the s/and is string?, and the following predicate is a regex:

    (s/def ::date (s/nilable (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" %))))

    If you sample a string? generator, you'll see what it produces is unlikely to ever match your regex:

    (gen/sample (s/gen string?))
    => ("" "" "X" "" "" "hT9" "7x97" "S" "9" "1Z")

    test.check will try (100 times by default) to get a value that satisfies such-that conditions, then throw the exception you're seeing if it doesn't.

    Generating Dates

    You can implement a custom generator for this spec in several ways. Here's a test.check generator that will create ISO local date strings:

    (def gen-local-date-str
      (let [day-range (.range (ChronoField/EPOCH_DAY))
            day-min (.getMinimum day-range)
            day-max (.getMaximum day-range)]
        (gen/fmap #(str (LocalDate/ofEpochDay %))
                  (gen/large-integer* {:min day-min :max day-max}))))

    This approach gets the range of valid epoch days, uses that to control the range of large-integer* generator, then fmaps LocalDate/ofEpochDay over the generated integers.

    (def gen-local-date-str
      (gen/fmap #(-> (Instant/ofEpochMilli %)
                     (LocalDateTime/ofInstant ZoneOffset/UTC)

    This starts with the default large-integer generator and uses fmap to provide a function that creates a java.time.Instant from the generated integer, converts it to a java.time.LocalDate, and converts that to a string which happens to conveniently match your date string format. (This is slightly simpler on Java 9 and above with java.time.LocalDate/ofInstant.)

    Another approach might use test.chuck's regex-based string generator, or different date classes/formatters. Note that both of my examples will generate years that are eons before/after -9999/+9999, which won't match your \d{4} year regex, but the generator should produce satisfactory values often enough that it may not matter for your use case. There are many ways to generate date values!

    (gen/sample gen-local-date-str)

    Using Custom Generators with Specs

    Then you can associate this generator with your spec using s/with-gen:

    (s/def ::date
        (s/and string? #(re-matches #"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$" %))
        (constantly gen-local-date-str))))
    (gen/sample (s/gen ::date))
     nil ;; note that it also makes nils b/c it's wrapped in s/nilable

    You can also provide "standalone" custom generators to certain spec functions that take an overrides map, if you don't want to tie the custom generator directly to the spec definition:

    (gen/sample (s/gen ::data {::date (constantly gen-local-date-str)}))

    Using this spec and generator I was able to generate your larger ::data spec, although the outputs were very large due to some of the collection specs. You can also control the size of those during generation using :gen-max options in the specs.