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Angularjs listbox control with single selection

I'm just looking for a listbox with single selection so that each item can be selected from the listbox.

But unable make it to single selection using the below code after make it to multiple = false.

Can any body suggest me the code here.

                method: 'GET',
                url: 'http://xxxx/api/controller/GetAllItems',
                params: { Pt_Id: 'US' }
            }).then(function successCallback(response) {
                //  alert(;
                $scope.items =;
            }, function errorCallback(response) {
                // alert(response);

<select ng-model="itm" multiple="false" size="10" ng-options="itm.ITEM_ID for itm in items"></select>


  • Remove multiple="false" in the select then you can make single selection

    <select ng-model="itm" size="10" ng-options="itm.ITEM_ID for itm in items"></select>