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How to fix `TypeError: argument of type 'ArcGIS' is not iterable` error on geopy?

I wanted to make a program where you enter your address(the example in the code is a Dutch address) and then the program gives as output the longitude and the latitude od that address. I also tried to make it more user-friendly so if the entered address doesn't exist, the program will say that. the code is:

from geopy.geocoders import ArcGIS
nom = ArcGIS()
adres = input("enter your adress as folows:\n 32 Gunterstein, Amsterdam, 1081 CJ\n vul in: ")

n = nom.geocode(adres)
if adres in nom:
    print("latitude:", n.latitude)
    print("adress doesn't exist, please try again.")

if the user enters a valid address the code works but when I try that out by entering nonsense I get the following error:

enter your adress as folows:
 32 Gunterstein, Amsterdam, 1081 CJ
 vul in: nonsense
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 7, in <module>
    if adres in nom:
TypeError: argument of type 'ArcGIS' is not iterable

What is wrong with the code that I get that error?



  • I don't think it throws an error on erroneous address.

    n = nom.geocode('sdf324uio')
    n is None


    Just check if n is None to see if a valid address was passed to it.


    It's funny that actually nonsense exists as place and it returns a valid location (it was my first attempt for a non-existing address):

    n = nom.geocode('nonsense')

    Location(Nonsense, (-23.56400999999994, -46.66579999999993, 0.0))