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Store an API_KEY in an env var and use in a playlist URL

I use a streaming service ( that has many channels. Each channel has a playlist I stream from the CLI (using mpv). Each URL in each playlist stores the API KEY.

I want to store the API KEY outside of the individual playlists, so for example, if I change the API KEY, I don't have to change every playlist.

I'm on a Mac.

1) What is the best (safest) place to declare export DI_KEY=""? In .bashrc was my first thought, except I back it up to github. Any other better place to declare the env var that will be created each time I enter bash?

2) In the playlist file, how do I use the $DI_KEY in the URL?

Title1=DI.FM - 00s Club Hits

Just referencing it directly doesn't work.

enter image description here

I'm sure this may be answered elsewhere, but in all my searching I couldn't find any helpful answers, particularly to questions 2.


  • Regarding setting env variables outside of .bashrc, you could create a separate file to define sensitive variables and source this from within your .bashrc.

    For example, create a file, add the filename to your .gitignore and add the line export DI_KEY="12345" to this file. Then add the following block in .bashrc:

    if [ -f ~/.my-private-variables ]; then                                                                               
      . ~/.my-private-variables                                                                                         

    Regarding the playlist file, bash is not running the file, so the environment variable is not expanded.

    You could dynamically generate the playlist when bash starts, something like this:

    cat << EOF > $filename
    Title1=DI.FM - 00s Club Hits

    This will expand the variable and write it to the file, in this case playlist-1.pls in the current working directory. You might add an absolute path to the filename variable that references your playlists directory.

    To run this, you could create a script called playlist-generator and source this in .bashrc as described above. You could add as many playlists as you like here.