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(Symfony 4) How do you manually add a vendor class to the container, then inject to a repository/service class?

I have a repository class for photos:

use Imagine\Image\ImageInterface;
use Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface;
use Imagine\Image\BoxInterface;

class PhotoRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository

protected $imagineInterface;
protected $mode;
protected $box;

public function __construct(ImagineInterface $imagineInterface,
    BoxInterface $box,
    $mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND)
        $this->imagineInterface = $imagineInterface; 
        $this->$box = $box; 
         $this->mode = $mode;

I am getting the typical Cannot autowire service "App\Repository\PhotoRepository": argument "$box" of method "__construct()" references interface "Imagine\Image\BoxInterface" but no such service exists. Did you create a class that implements this interface?

The Imagine\ImageBox class clearly exists in my vendor folder and implements the BoxInterface, it starts out as follows:

namespace Imagine\Image;

use Imagine\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;

 * A box implementation
final class Box implements BoxInterface
     * @var integer
    private $width;

Here is a picture of my folder structure, you can see that this Box class is there and that it implements BoxInterface:

enter image description here

I'm stuck because it says that the service doesn't exist but you can see that it does.

Any help is greatly appreciated.


  • To reply your question regarding working with interfaces, check this section of the docs:

    However you're misunderstanding the purpose of services. Imagine's BoxInterface is by no means a service and shouldn't be declared as one. A service is needed only when you need only one instance of it through your whole application. BoxInterface just describes a coordinates of a picture, therefore there will be as many instances as you need pictures instances.

    Just create for example $box = new Imagine\Image\Box(50, 50); when you need a box.