I have a repository class for photos:
use Imagine\Image\ImageInterface;
use Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface;
use Imagine\Image\BoxInterface;
class PhotoRepository extends ServiceEntityRepository
protected $imagineInterface;
protected $mode;
protected $box;
public function __construct(ImagineInterface $imagineInterface,
BoxInterface $box,
$mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND)
$this->imagineInterface = $imagineInterface;
$this->$box = $box;
$this->mode = $mode;
I am getting the typical Cannot autowire service "App\Repository\PhotoRepository": argument "$box" of method "__construct()" references interface "Imagine\Image\BoxInterface" but no such service exists. Did you create a class that implements this interface?
The Imagine\ImageBox class clearly exists in my vendor folder and implements the BoxInterface, it starts out as follows:
namespace Imagine\Image;
use Imagine\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
* A box implementation
final class Box implements BoxInterface
* @var integer
private $width;
Here is a picture of my folder structure, you can see that this Box class is there and that it implements BoxInterface:
I'm stuck because it says that the service doesn't exist but you can see that it does.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
To reply your question regarding working with interfaces, check this section of the docs: https://symfony.com/doc/current/service_container/autowiring.html#working-with-interfaces
However you're misunderstanding the purpose of services. Imagine's BoxInterface is by no means a service and shouldn't be declared as one. A service is needed only when you need only one instance of it through your whole application. BoxInterface just describes a coordinates of a picture, therefore there will be as many instances as you need pictures instances.
Just create for example $box = new Imagine\Image\Box(50, 50);
when you need a box.