In eloquent : How to get related a model where count of related models with a condition is is exactly n?
Here is over simplification of the problem that I am facing:-
There are multiple courses in database. One course has many students.
I need to get courses with exactly 20 female students. So, I need to do both. Check that count of number of students is 20. And check the condition that they are female.
Now I can either use "wherehas" which does not let me count related students. In fact it only checks if there is at least one female student.
Or I can use "has" which lets me count the related students but does not let me check if they are female or not.
I need something that allows me to do both checking the count of students and checking that they are all female. Something like this is needed:-
What to do?
Per the Eloquent Relationships Documentation you can do something like this:
}, '=', 20)