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Recursive Descent Parser Should Error on Repetitive Letter Terminals

Primary question: How can I update my recursive descent parser for propositional logic (written in JavaScript) so that strings like "p~" and "pp" will return an "Invalid" message?

I am very new to HTML, JavaScript, and parsing. I wanted to see if I would be able to make a simple webpage that could parse simple formulae from propositional logic. Here is the grammar:

<formula> ::= <unaryconnective> <formula>
            | "(" <formula> <binaryconnective> <formula> ")"
            | <proposition>

<unaryconnective> ::= "~"

<binaryconnective> ::= "&"

<proposition> ::= "p"
                | "q"
                | "r"

I'm new to writing grammars like this, so hopefully this grammar makes sense. So far as I understand what Wikipedia had on left recursive grammars, I don't believe this grammar is left recursive, nor does it appear ambiguous.

I then tried to create a simple webpage that would allow someone to enter a formula into a textbox, click a "Validate" button, and return a simple message saying the formula was valid or not. I tried to write a recursive descent parser that could do the parsing. Here is what I came up with based on what Wikipedia, Stack Overflow, and other resources I found had on the topic (jsfiddle):

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
    <meta charset='UTF-8'>
    <title>Logic App</title>

    <script type="text/javascript">

    var sentence;
    var len;
    var i;
    var sym;

    function validate() {
      var result;

      sentence = document.getElementById('formulaentry').value;
      len = sentence.length;
      i = -1;

      if (sentence == "") {
        document.getElementById('formulaentry').value = "There's no formula!";
      } else {
        result = formula();
        if(result == 0) {
          document.getElementById('formulaentry').value = "Invalid";
        } else {
        document.getElementById('formulaentry').value = "Valid";

    function nextSym() {
      if (i <= (len-1)) {
        sym = sentence.charAt(i);
      } else {
        sym = "";
      //console.log("Current Sym:" + sym);

    function accept(s) {
      if (sym == s) {
        return 1;
      return 0;

    function expect(s) {
      if (accept(s)) {
        return 1;
      return 0;

    function formula() {
      if (unaryconn(sym)) {
        if (formula() == 0) return 0;
        return 1;
      } else if (accept("(")) {
        if (formula() == 0) return 0;
        if (binaryconn(sym) == 0) return 0;
        if (formula() == 0) return 0;
        if (!expect(")")) return 0;
        return 1;
      } else if (proposition(sym)) {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;

    function unaryconn(s) {
      if (s == "~") {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;


    function binaryconn(s) {
      if (s == "&") {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;

    function proposition(s) {
      if (s == "p" || s == "q" || s == "r") {
        return 1;
      } else {
        return 0;

    <h1>Logic App</h1>

    <h2>Check if formula is well-formed:</h2>
    <p>Enter a formula into the text box and click "Validate" to see if it is a

    <form id='frmValidateFormula'>
          placeholder='Input formula here'>

The parser seems to mostly work. It correctly parses the following strings as valid formula:


However, it incorrectly returns "Valid" for these strings when it should return "Invalid":


It looks like the parser doesn't check the whole string in these cases, only the characters leading up to the first letter and the letter itself, and so considers it fine. I tried adding some kind of validation in formula() in the "else if (proposition(sym)" section to make sure the character following the letter is a valid one, but that wasn't working because the valid characters change depending on what came before it. Changing my grammar may help. I don't really understand what I should be considering when creating these grammars other than that left recursion will cause trouble for a recursive descent parser. I looked at several questions on Stack Overflow concerning recursive descent parsers, but none seemed to help me with my problem.

How can I update my parser so that such strings return "Invalid" as the result? I'm not necessarily looking for a full answer, just some pointers on things to consider or resources to look at. If you also know of a good resource on what to think about when constructing grammars (especially with reference to parsers), that would be fantastic.

Note: My parser currently doesn't handle whitespace. I'm fine with that for now, since I'm mostly concerned with getting the other parsing correct before updating things to handle whitespace.


  • I haven't studied your code too thoroughly, but here's my impression:

    Your parser is checking to see that the first group of characters it sees form a valid formula, and then stops. If garbage comes after that, doesn't matter, your parser is still happy because it found its valid formula.

    I see about two ways to handle it in your grammar:

    • Require that the formula end with some "end of stream" metacharacter

    • Add a new rule that matches a sequence of formulas. E.g.

    <document> ::= <formula> |
                   <formula> <document>

    (Of course, this is left-recursive, but you should be able to resolve this without too much trouble.)


    } else if (proposition(sym)) {

    I find it suspicious that this branch doesn't return anything.