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Return the "sub-levels" within column B for each level of column A in R

I have a dataset that looks like this:

  number  fruit status
1      1  apple   ripe
2      2  apple rotten
3      3 banana   ripe
4      4 banana rotten
5      5   pear   ripe
6      6   pear rotten
7      7  apple   ripe

 data.frame(number = 1:7,
       fruit = c(rep(c("apple","banana","pear"), each = 2),"apple"),
       status =c(rep(c("ripe", "rotten"),3),"ripe"))

I would like to loop over "fruit" and return the levels of "status" for each fruit. That is, get out something like this:

 [1] ripe rotten

 [2] ripe rotten

 [3] ripe rotten

It doesn't have to be a list; I just need to know the levels within each "fruit" level. My data is more complicated than the example so assume I can't just remove the "number" column

I am trying to use apply functions or dplyr and I can't figure out how to get this.


  • 1) tapply/unique Assuming only unique values of status are wanted this base R solution could be used:

    with(DF, tapply(as.character(status), fruit, unique, simplify = FALSE))


    [1] "ripe"   "rotten"
    [1] "ripe"   "rotten"
    [1] "ripe"   "rotten"

    2) split If it were known that the sublevels of each level are already unique then this base R solution would be sufficient and gives the same result.

    with(DF, split(as.character(status), fruit))

    3) table Another form of output that might be useful is a table showing the number of occurrences of each sublevel within in each level. Again this uses only base R.

    m <- table(DF[-1])


    fruit    ripe rotten
      apple     1      1
      banana    1      1
      pear      1      1

    We can create a bipartite graph of this using the igraph package:

    g <- graph_from_incidence_matrix(m)
    plot(g, layout = layout_as_bipartite)
