I have the below table and expected result. Please let me know if it is possible to achieve the result. Please refer the picture attached.
You can use listagg()
select e.id, e.name, e.sal,
listagg(d.dept, ',') within group (order by d.dept_id) as depts,
listagg(d.dept_id, ',') within group (order by d.dept_id) as dept_ids,
from employee e left join
department d
on e.name = d.name
group by e.id, e.name, e.sal;
Some comments on the data model.
table should have a dept_id
that is the primary key (no duplicates).department
should really be called employee_departments
because it is a junction table, combining two different entities.emp_id
as the link to employee
, not name
. That is, the foreign key relationship should be to the primary key of employee