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ReSharper Code Cleanup Adds Redundant Qualifiers

When I apply ReSharper's Code Cleanup, it is added qualifiers to static methods. I then see a diagnostic IDE0002 telling me the name can be simplified. This isn't a problem when I have Code Editing > General Formatter Style > Enable StyleCop support unchecked.


public class Foo

    public void Bar()

    private static void StaticMethod()

Gets "cleaned up" to:

public class Foo
    public void Bar()

    private static void StaticMethod()


How do I prevent ReSharper Code Cleanup from adding this qualifier and leaving the code unchanged?


  • Untick all checkboxes in Members to qualify dropdown list here ReSharper | Options | Code Editing | C# | Code Style | Static members qualifications

    enter image description here

    Since you've mentioned that unticking Enable StyleCop support checkbox in ReSharper Options helped, it looks like there is a setting in settings.stylecop file in your solution which overrides ReSharper setting (more about support for StyleCop config file you can find in Enable StyleCop support here)