I am using the flickr API to search images and I would like to get photos with theirs tags at same time.
To do it, I need first to use flickr.photos.search method to fetch the photo_id and build the photo url (1st and 2nd 'then' methods). In the 3th 'then' part I used another API method flickr.photos.getInfo to get the tags for each photo and finally return urlPhoto and tagsInfo like json.
The problem is that tagsInfo variable continues been a promise and I can not render the tags (array) of the photo. However, urlPhoto has a correct value.
export function fetchAll(...) {
return fetch(BASE_URL + encodeGetParams(params1), options)
.then(response => {
return response.json();
.then((data) => {
return data.photos.photo.map(e =>
"photo_id": e.id,
"urlPhoto": 'https://farm'+e.farm+'.staticflickr.com/'+e.server+'/'+e.id+'_'+e.secret+'.jpg',
.then((data) => {
return data.map(e => {
const url = BASE_URL + encodeGetParams({ ...params2, "photo_id": e.photo_id });
const tagsInfo = fetch(url, options)
.then(data => data.json())
.then(data => data.photo.tags.tag.map(e => e._content));
return {
"urlPhoto": e.urlPhoto,
"tagsInfo": tagsInfo
You could create a separate promise for each element in the array, use Promise.all
on those promises and return that.
export function fetchAll(/* ... */) {
return fetch(BASE_URL + encodeGetParams(params1), options)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
const promises = data.photos.photo.map(e => {
const result = {
urlPhoto: `https://farm${e.farm}.staticflickr.com/${e.server}/${e.id}_${e.secret}.jpg`
const url = BASE_URL + encodeGetParams({ ...params2, photo_id: e.photo_id });
return fetch(url, options)
.then(res => res.json())
.then(data => {
result.tagsInfo = data.photo.tags.tag.map(e => e._content);
return result;
return Promise.all(promises);