I have a request as a string (due to working on tcp level) and I would like to only get the host:
GET http://www.mrjacks.nl/ HTTP/1.1
cache - control: no - cache
Postman - Token: 037a5930 - 715d - 477d - a1d2 - d9445e6f675c
User - Agent: PostmanRuntime / 7.2.0
Accept: */*
Host: www.mrjacks.nl
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
In this case I want to get "www.mrjacks.nl".
The programming languague I'm using is C#.
Does anyone have any idea on how to get this url? Through Regex or some other Class? I'm new to regex and I've tried messing around with it a little bit, but without success
Well it's not so hard to do some string manipulations. First thing to do is to search the line with "Host:" word and when you find it - remove the "Host: " word from that line. The leftover will be the address.
string s = @"GET http://www.mrjacks.nl/ HTTP/1.1
cache - control: no - cache
Postman - Token: 037a5930 - 715d - 477d - a1d2 - d9445e6f675c
User - Agent: PostmanRuntime / 7.2.0
Accept: */*
Host: www.mrjacks.nl
accept-encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive";
var lines = s.Split('\n');
string result = "no result";
foreach(var line in lines)
result = line.Replace("Host: ", "");