i tested this coding SQL on create small table it have 4 row data and i get fast query but when i change to true table deep time and don't give me any result, this truth table it have more than 1 million record
SELECT DISTINCT /*+ richs_secret_hint */
em_code, (to_date(end_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') - level + 1) AS days
islaam_vca where em_code = '2222'
CONNECT BY level <= (to_date(end_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') - to_date(start_date,'DD-MM-YYYY') + 1)
order by days ASC
give me fast result
any one help me how can get fast result from true table
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX islaam_vca_uk1 ON islaam_vca(em_code, start_date)
Second, please store dates as DATE datatype, not as string.
Tested it a bit and there could be situation, when query will try TABLE ACCESS FULL for table islaam_vca, so you could try to do:
SELECT /*+ALL_ROWS*/ distinct em_code --sorry about my interpretation of secret your hint
, start_date
, NVL(end_date, SYSDATE) end_date --don't know if end date is nullable or now
, TRUNC(start_date) + level - 1 specific_date
FROM (SELECT em_code
, start_date
, end_date
FROM islaam_vca
WHERE em_code = '2222')
CONNECT BY level <= TRUNC(NVL(end_date, SYSDATE)) - TRUNC(start_date) + 1
order by specific_date;