I need to rename 992 image's name in the folder with Python. The name of the images should change based on their order. For example
current name
image_1 should rename to P1_ES_1
image_2 should rename to P1_ES_2
image_3 should rename to P1_ES_3
image_4 should rename to P1_ED_1
image_5 should rename to P1_ED_2
image_6 should rename to P1_ED_3
and again will repeat the same thing for the next six images just "P" will change such as follows:
image_7 should rename to P2_ES_1
image_8 should rename to P2_ES_2
image_9 should rename to P2_ES_3
image_10 should rename to P2_ED_1
image_11 should rename to P2_ED_2
image_12 should rename to P2_ED_3
the snippet I have already will change the names as attached file displays for the first six images which is not like what I need.
here is snippet:
import os
import glob
path = 'F:/my_data/imagesResized/'
def rename_files():
j = 1
i = 1
for i, filename in enumerate(glob.glob(path + '*.png')):
os.rename(filename[:], os.path.join(path, 'P' + str(i) + '_'+ "ES" + '_' + str(j) + '.png'))
j += 1
if __name__ == '__main__':
The easiest way is to use the modulo
operator to cycle through your indices. You did the right job with enumerate
. Another fun fact, use sorted
to sort the images accordingly using glob
, sometimes, the filenames come in random order:
fns = sorted(glob.glob(path + '*.png')):
es_or_ed = 'ED'
for i, fn in enumerate(fns):
# Check for ED or ES
if i % 3 == 0 and es_or_ed == 'ES':
es_or_ed = 'ED'
elif i % 3 == 0 and es_or_ed == 'ED':
es_or_ed = 'ES'
# Create new filename
new_fn = 'P{}_{}_{}.png'.format(i // 6 + 1, es_or_ed, i%3+1)
# rename...
os.rename(fn, os.path.join(path, new_fn))
For random images, that would give you
old: image_1 new: P1_ES_1
old: image_2 new: P1_ES_2
old: image_3 new: P1_ES_3
old: image_4 new: P1_ED_1
old: image_5 new: P1_ED_2
old: image_6 new: P1_ED_3
old: image_7 new: P2_ES_1
old: image_8 new: P2_ES_2
old: image_9 new: P2_ES_3
old: image_10 new: P2_ED_1