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Check file on csv file streaming with scala

Im working with spark streaming and don't want to process the old files when the new streaming file come every 10 minutes:

val val1= spark  
.read //  
.option("header", "true")    
.option("schema", "true")    
.option("sep", ",")    

after creating the dataframe i do some transformation and process the checkpoint can help me and how i used in my case


  • *****************the solution*******************

    val spark = SparkSession .builder .appName("test") .config("spark.local", "local[*]") .getOrCreate() spark.sparkContext.setCheckpointDir(path_checkpoint) and after i call the checkpoint function on the dataframe And i specified a trigger to execute the job

        .option("codec", "") 
     .trigger(Trigger.ProcessingTime("180 seconds")) 
        .option("Path",Path )  
        .option("header", true)  