using the following resource:
ltr: <string name="err_field_range_hint_f">Possible values: [%1$.0f .. %2$.0f]</string>
rtl: <string name="err_field_range_hint_f">ערכים אפשריים:
[%2$.0f .. %1$.0f]</string>
in the following code:
_AlertDialog = new AlertDialog.Builder(this).
.setMessage(getString(R.string.err_field_range_hint_f, valLow, valHigh) )
.setPositiveButton(getString(R.string.ok), null)
I receive [25- .. 100]
instead of [-25 .. 100]
I solved similiar problem in the layout with forcing LTR in EditText fields, using:
but how can I force LTR on specific "words" (or numbers) inside AlertDialog.Message?
Note: I saw a solution in here but I prefer android would handle formatting numbers...
I am not sure you want to receive
and not
At any rate, the easiest fix is to insert the Unicode BIDI override markers, e.g. LRO:
<string name="err_field_range_hint_f">ערכים אפשריים:
\u202D[%2$.0f .. %1$.0f]\u202C;</string>