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How do I force easy_install.exe to print output in the current command window?

I am running Windows 7 64 bit and have installed easy_install. When I run easy_install from the command prompt it opens another window for the output and quickly closes before I am able to examine what has been done.

I am aware of this question but think it may have been closed prematurely as the solution that the closed ticket referred to here does not work on my system.

When I run the cmd window as Administrator and then execute (for example):

$ easy_install pip

I get the same behavior ... another cmd window flashes and then I am returned to the prompt with no output. How then do I force easy_install to output its results in the current window?

UPDATE: (additional information) This same behavior is exhibited when using pip.exe and virtualenv.exe as well. This must have something to do with how these executables are built and how they interact with windows 7 64bit.


  • I discovered that the issue was the version of setuptools that I was using. I had installed python-2.7.1.amd64 and then installed

    In the the quest to grab a 64 bit setuptool - I failed to notice the "dev" part of the filename.

    It turns out when I uninstalled it and then installed setuptools-0.6c11.win32-py2.7 all output stays in the console. There seems to be some issues with the newer "c12" version.

    On a related note - this fixes the same problem with the use of pip and virtualenv as well.