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beego api post insert data

First of all. I use postman to POST data. How to take data from the postman key. It works by using this way (in my code I set it by myself).

I want to get firstname, lastname, email in form-data. I want to use as below.

func InsertOneUser(user User) *User {
   o := orm.NewOrm()
   qs := o.QueryTable(new(User))
   i, _ := qs.PrepareInsert()
   var u User
   user.FirstName = "firstname"                          <----- this
   user.LastName = "lastname"                            <----- this
   user.Email = "[email protected]"                    <----- this
   user.Password, _ = hashPassword(user.Password)
   user.RegDate = time.Now()
   id, err := i.Insert(&user)
   return &u

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  • You need beego.Controller in func. if func has beego.Controller, there are two ways(key, parseform).

    package main
    import (
    type User struct {
        Firstname string `form:"firstname"`
        Lastname  string `form:"lastname"`
        Email     string `form:"email"`
    type MainController struct {
    func (this *MainController) Post() {
        // using key
        firstname := this.GetString("firstname")
        lastname := this.GetString("lastname")
        email := this.GetString("email")
        // using Parseform
        u := User{}
        if err := this.ParseForm(&u); err != nil {
        this.Ctx.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", firstname, lastname, email))
    func main() {
        beego.Router("/api/v1/user", &MainController{})