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How to deploy non VS projects to iis web deploy?

I have an Angular application and hosted in IIS. I want to deploy this application using Web Deploy.

I know VS solutions (.sln) could be deployed using MSBUILD and Publish Profiles.

How to deploy non VS, static applications using web deploy?

I'm looking for an option to deploy from a Bamboo build server to a remote IIS target.


  • As Lex Li says, if you want to publish a hosted angualr application to another IIS by using web deploy, you could use web deploy sync method.

    If you just want to sync 2 folders directly root-to-root, you could try below command:

    Notice:The webdeploy tool normally is inside the C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS\ folder, you need firstly locate it.

    >msdeploy  -verb:sync -source:dirPath="D:\my-app\dist" -dest:dirPath="D:\AnTest"

    enter image description here

    If you want to include IIS configuration on the destination, you should use iisApp provider instead of dirPath:

    >msdeploy  -verb:sync -source:iisApp=<SourceFolderOrIISPath> -dest:iisApp=<DestinationFolderOrIISPath>