I have this link: http://localhost:3000/welcome/DqMzM6PNKbQKZ0tPhqkMlgRry1w1/info/anotherid
to take the last one I do so:
console.log(this.ar.root.children[0].children[0].snapshot.params['another']) //anotherid
ok, I have my result but I don't think this is the best paratices, right?
p.s. 'questo sconosciuto' === 'this stranger' ;)
You can get the route parameters multiple ways.
const anotherId = this.ac.snapshot.params.anotherId;
This will give you the params when the component first loads. If the router params change this will not receive the updated values.
Another option is to subscribe to the params Observable.
this.ar.params.subscribe(params => {
this.anotherId = params.anotherId;
If the route params change, the above will be notified of the changed params.