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LINQ to XML selecting elements similar to SQL IN clause

I have some XML that contains Payment information including details on the Invoices the payments are being applied to. I would like to use LINQ to XML to gather only those payments that are applied to certain invoices (111,222,333) for example. If it were SQL I could use the IN (111,222,333) keyword but I am not sure how to do the same in LINQ.



var result = xml.Select(x => x.Element("Payment"))
               Where(x => x.Element("Id").Value.Contains("111","222","333"))

In this example, I would like to select "PaymentId 1" and "PaymentId 2" since they apply to invoices that have Ids that match 111, 222, or 333.


  • You can do a match/intersect against a list of these wellknown Id's.

    List<string> ids = new List<string> { "111", "222", "333" };
    var result = xml
        .Where(p => {
            var invoiceIds = p.Elements("Invoice").Elements("Id").Select(o => o.Value);
            return ids.Intersect(invoiceIds).Any();

    Full code and NetFiddle.

    const string XML = @"
    XElement xml = XElement.Parse(XML);
    List<string> ids = new List<string> { "111", "222", "333" };
    var result = xml
        .Where(p => {
            var invoiceIds = p.Elements("Invoice").Elements("Id").Select(o => o.Value);
            return ids.Intersect(invoiceIds).Any();
    foreach (var item in result)
        Console.WriteLine("PaymentId: {0}", (string)item.Element("PaymentId"));