I learn MXNet framework and try to run example of object detection with SSD: https://gluon.mxnet.io/chapter08_computer-vision/object-detection.html
I use GPU is NVidia GTX 1050, 4GB for training. I work in Jupyter notebook. Versions: Python 3.6, MXNet 1.3.1.
It was said in the tutorial that training from scratch takes about 30 minutes with one GPU. I stopped after 3 hours. The model had processed 24459 batches (batch has size of 32) when I interrupted training. Whole dataset has size of 87.7MB that is less than 24459*32*256*256 (size of image is 256x256). I can't understand why it may takes too much time. Are there maybe any particular features of image.ImageDetIter (for example the one does never stopped by itself)?
Thanks for including the version info. You're absolutely correct - there was a bug in MXNet 1.3.0 where ImageDetIter
looped indefinitely on the example you had. This was fixed Dec 2018 and if you upgrade to MXNet 1.4.0 you won't see the issue. I confirmed this by running the code above.
Another important note, "Deep Learning - The Straight Dope" has been deprecated in favor of (Dive into Deep Learning](d2l.ai). The content is updated and being used for a course on MXNet. Here's the corresponding chapter in the book.
Additionally, videos from the course are posted here, if you wanted to watch them.
As for the repro, I ran and confirmed that this was looping indefinitely in 1.3.x and fixed in 1.4.0.
train_iter = image.ImageDetIter(
data_shape=(3, data_shape, data_shape),
for i,data in enumerate(train_iter):
print((i+1)) # goes forever on 1.3.0 but not 1.4.0
Hope that helps,