After upgrading to TYPO3 9, some of the tx_news_domain_model_news path_segment fields were empty, so I marked Upgrade Wizard "Updates slug field "path_segment" of EXT:news records" of news extension" as undone and tried to execute it. This throws an exception. Makes no difference if executed via backend or on command line, though the command line shows a success message before the error::
typo3-cli upgrade:run newsSlug
In UpgradeWizardsService.php line 466:
No valid wizard identifier given
in /var/www/domain/htdocs/typo3_src-9.5.5/typo3/sysext/install/Classes/Service/UpgradeWizardsService.php line 466
protected function assertIdentifierIsValid(string $identifier): void
if ($identifier === '' || (!isset($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/install']['update'][$identifier]) && !is_subclass_of($identifier, RowUpdaterInterface::class))) {
throw new \RuntimeException('No valid wizard identifier given', 1502721731);
Current TYPO3 version 9.5.5.
There are changelog entries:
There is a new Interface for upgrade wizard, but as far as I understand it, the "old" update wizards with AbstractUpdate should still work in 9.x.
Is this a bug? I've got the original problem solved, because the update wizard did successfully convert the entries (see original question).
I'd just like to have clarification for implementation of update wizards in TYPO3 9.
Yes this was a bug in the news extension and fixed in master. Be aware that the implementation of update wizards changed in 9 a bit, therefore also this bug occurred.