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how to extract the sub-string which is enclosed in between '$' and '/' (special characters) and then substitute the value of that sub-string?

I have the main string as str and substring which is required named as su_str:

su_str = "$Region_Name" ,

str <- "$Region_Name/Billing/report.csv"

and the value of $Region_Name = ap-southeast-1 that is in some other file.

I tried :

r <- unlist(stri_extract_all(p,"$ /"))

and it will give an error like:

Error in stri_extract_all(p, "$ /") : you have to specify either regex, fixed, coll, or charclass

c_prop will be:
Key: Value
$DirectorName : DF-1C
$DirectorPortName : Ports, DF-1C
$MaskingViewName : 000197801199, IS_LGLW9062_VIEW
$MaskingInitiatorPortName : Initiator Ports, IS_LGLW9062_VIEW
$MaskingAssDeviceName :Associated Devices, IS_LGLW9062_VIEW
$PoolName : 000197801199, SRP_1
$PoolBoundDevice : Bound Devices, SRP_1
$PortName : DF-1C:12
$Region_Name : ap-southeast-1
enter image description here

How to solve this issue, suggest some idea? Thanks in Advance!!!


  • This works for your example, does it solve your problem? When using regex (or regular expressions), you have to escape special characters in R with two backslashes \\. It looks like using stringi the replacement must have special characters escaped as well, but I do not use stringi often so hopefully someone can chime in on a better way to do it using stringi

    > library(stringi)
    > str <- "$Region_Name/Billing/report.csv"
    > # If you just want to extract the sequence of letters and underscores's after "$" and before the "/"
    > unlist(stri_extract_all(str, regex = "\\$[[:alpha:]_]*\\b"))
    [1] "$Region_Name"
    > # If you want to replace it with something else using base R
    > some_string <- "$Region_Name = ap-southeast-1"
    > gsub("\\$[[:alpha:]_]*\\b", some_string, str)
    [1] "$Region_Name = ap-southeast-1/Billing/report.csv"
    > # Using stringi package
    > # Special characters have to be escaped
    > some_string <- "\\$Region_Name \\= ap\\-southeast\\-1"
    > stri_replace_all(str, some_string, regex = "\\$[[:alpha:]_]*\\b")
    [1] "$Region_Name = ap-southeast-1/"

    EDIT: if you want a multiple replacements for the same substring:

    # If the substring will always be "$Region_Name"
    su_str <- "$Region_Name"
    replacements <- c("$Region_Name = ap-southeast-1/", "$Region_Name = ap-southeast-2/")
    stri_replace_all(str, replacements, fixed = su_str)
    [1] "$Region_Name = ap-southeast-1//Billing/report.csv"
    [2] "$Region_Name = ap-southeast-2//Billing/report.csv"