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In Dyalog APL, how do I turn off auto-scaling in a Form?

In the examples in the Dyalog chm help file on drawing simple lines in a form, I drilled down into all of the various options you can place on a Form window creation and could not find a way to turn off the auto-scaling. That is, when I resize the Form, I don't want any object drawn within it to rescale their respective sizes in relation to the the new window size.

'F' ⎕WC 'Form' 'Drawing Lines' ('Size' 25 50) ('Coord' 'Pixel')
'F.Line' ⎕WC 'Poly' ((10 90)(5 60))


  • My initial comment was mistaken - the Attach-property deals with form-fields. Your form should use 'AutoConf''0 to avoid propagation of size-changes to child-objects.

    'F' ⎕WC 'Form' 'Drawing Lines' ('Size' 25 50) ('Coord' 'Pixel')('AutoConf'0) ⋄ 'F.Line' ⎕WC 'Poly' ((10 90)(5 60))