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Could not resolve placeholder after adding spring-boot-admin-starter-client dependency

In my application I have method annotated with @Scheduled(cron="${my.cron.prop}")

I don't have my.cron.prop in property file and my job just don't start but application starts successfully.

But when I add dependecy:

compile ("de.codecentric:spring-boot-admin-starter-client:1.5.7")

My application fails to start:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Encountered invalid @Scheduled method 'reportCurrentTime': Could not resolve placeholder 'my.cron.prop' in value "${my.cron.prop}"

How can I fix it?

Expected behaviour - just don't start job in case of property is not provided


  • I guess you application did not @EnableScheduling, spring-boot-admin-starter-client does.

    You could avoid this by providing a default value: see other answer

    a nicer way to fix this is to use a dedicated component to launch your job when the property is available

    @ConditionalOnProperty( name = "my.cron.prop" )
    public class Tasks {
        @Scheduled(cron = "${my.cron.prop}")
        public void task() {
           /*do your suff*/